A big part of learning is finding yourself with questions - and while I've done my best to anticipate the ones that might pop up for you on your learning journey, I KNOW I haven't caught them all!
If you find yourself pondering anything as you move through the course, please let me know so I can help you out! There are three easy ways to get in touch...
1. If you feel comfortable doing so, leave me a comment below the lesson that left you questioning. This way, I can answer in a place that makes it easy for others with the same question to find, too, and we can grow and learn as a community. In my experience, there are no silly questions - and if one person is wondering something, chances are someone else is too. So ask away!
2. If you don't feel comfortable asking your question publicly, no worries - just send me a private message and I'll help you out!
3. If the course site is giving you trouble or you just feel like using good old email, you can always reach me at - whatever is easiest for you works great for me!