Little Leaves
I was always a collector of things -
Little stones and leaves, the boxes I kept them in
Lined up along the windowsill like found friends
Keeping watch of my comings and goings.
I am no different now.
By the handful I still carry them home -
Little stones and leaves,
Until my pockets are bulging and there's no more room
(just kidding, there's always room)
To set them in line.
I created this pair of necklaces by borrowing the shapes of two little oak leaves found while walking the California hills. I love to think that those found leaves will live on, past their single growing season last summer, immortalized in silver. And for color, I had to add the beaded fringe (no really, I HAD to!). They are light, and shimmery, and perfect for the transition from fall to winter.
Both will be in the shop on Saturday, 12/10 at 10am Pacific time!!