
In the autumn, a snowflake fell deep in the heart of the mountains. Down from the heavy clouds it spiraled, the barest trace of water transformed by the cold to crystalline splendor, to land unseen among the millions on a slope. And these many months, it has waited for the thaw.

As the days pass and the seasons shift, I watch the sun climb ever higher in the sky. In the mountains, one melted flake joins another.

Soon there is a drop. And before long a collection of drops form a trickle, flowing through cracks in the weathered granite to form a mountain stream. This water is cold - but it is magic. Buds form and burst. Wildflowers touch the awakening hillsides with subtle color. 

Streams join as they spill from the foothills, and soon they become a river winding out towards the plains. There, the grasses are only just beginning to green - but the mountains will keep their promise. With the snowmelt, they also send life. 

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It takes only a spark, a glimmer, a dream to begin the flood. So - a locket to keep your inspirations close at hand until they are ready to burst forth. 

A ribbon of Royston turquoise, in shades of mint and sky, cuts through an earthy host rock on the front of this little box while a tiny columbine leaf, one of my favorite signs of life from the Colorado Rockies, graces the back. Below, a silver fringe studded with quartz and green sapphires shimmers and catches light like a splattering of drops from a waterfall. A white topaz snowflake rests hidden on the inside of the box - one final reminder (in case you ever forget) that all the magic you’ll need is already inside you.

I constructed this little locket with both a pressure fit lid and an extra latch to make sure your treasures stay safely held inside. I tested it out on a hike this morning - and it felt comfortably at home around my neck as I trekked through the mountains and drank in the clear blue sky. It was even graced (accidentally!) by the water from a tiny stream when I stopped to snap a few pictures beneath the branches of an apple tree, growing wild beside the the water. 

I hope it can be a companion on your adventures, too. 


This necklace is now in the shop - stay wild, my friends!