Full Circle
We finally got some proper winter weather this week. Tuesday and Wednesday brought hoarfrost that turned everything into a crystalline wonderland and on Friday we got snow. And it wasn’t just a dusting this time but a good eight inches or so. Ponderosa was beside herself, begging at the back door to be let out so she could romp in all that fluffy whiteness.
I really, REALLY missed winter when we lived in California. I missed the way the sky glows orangey-purple at night and the way that sound is muffled as the snow falls. And there’s nothing like winter weather to make me feel creative. I took a couple of days off from making at the beginning of the week…but the cold in the air was like some sort of siren song and I ended up back in the studio sooner than I could have hoped. Apparently the easiest way back to a creative mindset is a good snowstorm.
Though I’m loving this winter weather, California has been on my mind a lot these past few days. We keep seeing pictures of the crazy flooding, pictures that show old haunts changed and damaged and washed away - and I can’t help worrying. Are our friends ok? Will all this rain cause massive summer growth again (thereby creating more fuel for potential late-summer wildfires)? I’m hoping for the best - but it’s in Mother Nature’s hands.
In a couple of days, it will also be our one year anniversary of leaving the Golden State. It’s both hard and easy to believe it’s been so long. 365 days. Especially this time of year, which was always my favorite - the hills are green, the wild mustard blooming, plum blossoms bursting forth on every tree. When we left I was so ready to go - but now I know I left part of myself there. It was home.
So even though I’m miles and miles and a circuit of the sun away, I’ve been reminiscing on my last hikes through the hills. My last days, my last minutes. I’ve been imagining I can smell the eucalyptus and feel the cold spring rain. And those memories are pouring out of my hands and into silver and coming out all flowers and storm clouds. Light and dark. Here and there. I feel myself coming full circle.
All of these jewelry pieces will be available in the next shop restock on March 20 at Noon Mountain time!