Summertime Flow


In this moment, I have the sense that life is both wildly simple and miraculously complicated all at once…but maybe this is just the definition of summer for me. There’s so much happening that all I can do is just put one foot in front of the other and let myself be swept up and carried away by it all.

This time last year, I was sliding into the deepest creative rut I’ve ever experienced…a place where I just didn’t want to do or make ANYTHING (which was something I’d never before experienced). This year, though, I’m doing better. It certainly helps that I’m not getting up to take a puppy out during the night, but it’s more than that. I think I’ve got a little more understanding of how I function now, and it’s let me see things more clearly.

So every day, I set a few goals. Moments to ground myself, easy things to accomplish to keep myself motivated. 

A few minutes of meditation, eating healthy foods, working through the second part of the weaving class I started last year. Some sort of physical activity that gets me up and moving and breathing hard.

And time in the studio. Even if it’s just a minute or two to push stones around or tidy part of my workspace.

Instead of sinking this summer I feel like, at least for the moment, I’m rising. Maybe I’m not accomplishing as much as I do in the fall and winter (and maybe I’ve got to let go of my attachment to the idea of “accomplishments” in general), but I’m moving forwards and thats the most important thing.

SO - here are a few images from last week, the first week of July. Snaps from the hikes we took (mostly plants, of course), the first tomatoes in the garden, and the first two finished pieces for the August restock. Life is feeling awfully full (in the best way).

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