Make Your Mark
Though it’s still a couple of months away, I’m already looking forward to seeing the irises bloom in the backyard of my childhood home. They’re my sign that warm weather is finally here to stay and they mark the point in time where I (usually) stop pining for my beloved snow and instead embrace the sun and the green.
As a symbol, irises always feel so solid to me. So familiar, so safe, so strong. The way I come back to them, year after year, and the way they always remind me of home. Over the years, it’s been so fun to find others who also connect with this fantastically over-the-top flower - we all seem to love it for different reasons, yet we hold it in our hearts in much the same way.
So when I decided it was finally time to make the leap and create a set of signet stamp rings (an idea I’ve been holding close for years now), an iris was the first image that came to mind. I sketched and sawed and soldered and polished - and the result is a ring that you can simply wear…or use to add a little extra iris beauty to the world.
Here’s how it works :
Begin by setting the ring, iris side down, on something cold. An ice pack or a bag of frozen peas works perfectly! Then, using scissors or a craft knife, cut two 1/4 inch pieces of wax off of a larger stick of sealing wax and place them in a melting spoon.
Light a tealight and hold the spoon above the flame. Holding the spoon about two inches up seems to work best for me - any closer and the wax starts to smoke! Gently roll the spoon back and forth between your fingers as the wax melts to check that there are no unmelted lumps in the bowl of the spoon.
When the wax is fully melted, pour it out onto the surface you’d like to seal - a long oval works best!
Pick up the chilled ring and firmly press it into the melted wax. Let it sit for fifteen to twenty second and then gently pull it back off to reveal the finished seal beneath!
Each of these rings will come with three sticks of gold sealing wax, a wax melting spoon, and a beeswax tealight - everything you need to make your mark! Sizes 7, 8, and 9 - in the shop this Saturday, 3/21, at 12.30 Mountain Time!